Easter Wrap-Up

The Bunny has hopped off to wherever he goes after his big day and the world is back to normal (with perhaps more chocolate per household than is strictly necessary). 
I just glanced back at my list from Thursday and thought I’d see how I did.
  • gym on Friday ~ check!
  • groceries on Friday ~ check!
  • Easter dinner on Saturday ~ check (and YUM!)
  • cook on Sunday ~ check (and again, YUM!)
  • finish book ~ check
  • enjoy morning coffee time ~ check on all three days!
  • give myself a pedicure ~ nope, not even close. 
  • have a smoothie ~ check
  • go for a long walk ~ check x 2 for a total of 13.21km!!
  • take a nap ~ check….but unfortunate because I was under the weather that day so it was non-negotiable
  • dust the upstairs ~ check, and vacuumed and mopped the floors
  • drink water & tea ~ check
  • don’t drink more than 3 drinks ~ missed that one by 1!  Three wines at Easter dinner, one beer in the driveway beforehand
  • one chocolate per day ~ missed that one by 2.  But, Ray and I shared every piece that we did have
  • limit sodium ~ check, no problem there!
Thursday night we went to the Lindt factory outlet store and stood in line for over an hour and a half to score some discounted chocolate…which turned out to be not discounted at all, really.  Whatever, we still got a tonne of chocolate and most of it is now dispersed to the people it was purchased for.  Thank heavens!  We also sold our tent trailer on Thursday night (to the crazy woman with “the littles” who has now asked us to deliver it to their house this weekend….whatever, the sooner I don’t have to communicate with her, the better!).
Friday morning I got up early and went to the gym and then had my much anticipated lazy morning coffee time when I got home.  Ray was still in his jammies and we weren’t in a hurry to get up to much.  We ran errands and then Ray went for dinner with his mom.  I chose to stay home in order to avoid eating out and having to consume mediocre food and endless sodium.  I made myself a smoked salmon and goat cheese omelette topped with avocado and a side of roasted yam.  It was deeeeelicious!

Smoked Salmon & Goat Cheese Omelette w/ a side of roasted yams. A new favourite!

After dinner we were both feeling a bit restless so we bundled up (it was toque-chilly!) and went for a long walk, 6.3 kilometers, our longest & fastest to date.  We both guessed that it was only about 5km and it turned out to be much more so I took that as a sign that our (Ray’s) speed and endurance is getting better.  All good!
Saturday morning we went hubcap shopping and then came home and ate lunch.  My sister arrived early and we all got to sit in the gorgeous sunshine and enjoy a beer.   Then we all piled into my loaner truck (I traded cars with Kyle….his Ford F-150 super cab for my little Saturn) and headed out to Chilliwack for easter dinner.

Relaxin' in the sunshine....driveway-style!

Sunday we enjoyed lazy coffee again and then headed out for another walk, this time a destination of my choosing.  Turned out that we now have a new record both in speed and distance.  Our walk yesterday was 6.91km and took us exactly the same amount of time as our 6.3km one.  (Maybe it seems silly to be excited about walking, it’s not very advanced or technical.  But it means a lot in our lives, where we’ve been and where we want to go)  When we got home we had lunch and then Ray mowed the lawn and washed the window off the dining room while I vacuumed, dusted and mopped the floors.  I also cleaned up the hurricane that is my “gym staging area”…also known as our spare room. 

Vinegar & newspaper cuts all the grease and muck that clouds your windows! Plus, then your kitchen smells like a fish n chips store!


Little better....now I need some baskets.

For dinner yesterday I made Imam Bayildi from this website.  I fried a half a pound of chopped up organic bacon first and then used the bacon fat to fry the onions and garlic.  Next time I would also add more bacon and instead of stuffing the eggplant shells I’ll chop up the entire eggplant and just bake it as a casserole.  Neither one of us really liked the “shell” of the eggplant but we both really loved the filling. 

So delicious! Turkish comfort food.

That’s about it for the weekend.  Food was solid, I mostly stuck to my guns regarding treats and booze, I got lots of exercise and lots of rest.  Unfortunately I also got a massive allergy attack last night, slept almost not at all and so this morning I did not head to the gym.  I am skipping out an hour early today though and going after work.  Redemption!
I’ll talk about it more tomorrow…..but I’m in negotiations with myself right now about whether or not I can pull off a 10km run this coming Sunday.  Bearing in mind that I am not trained for it at all (not an iota) but that I am in decent shape and I think the course is pretty flat, I think I’m going to go for it, weather permitting.  Any thoughts?

Old Business

An update on yesterday’s post:

A) the rib eye steak was not that good.  It was beautifully cooked and instead of being ‘pink’ where it rare, it was a gorgeous red (if you’re a veggie, sorry, this probably grosses you out).  But it was kind of tough & dense.  OK, really tough.  Although it occurred to me that if we stuck to only grass fed organic meat for a few months and then ate a grocery store steak, we might find the texture quite mushy.  I guess it’s all what you get used to.

B) the spinathon.  Really should have investigated that awhile ago.  You have to form a team and do a bunch of fund raising to the tune of around $1000 before you get to do it.  Guess I won’t be doing that tomorrow!

C) I did not go for a jog last night.  My mini fast left me completely under fueled and….well…..I didn’t really want to go.  So Ray and I went and walked that trail together instead.  It was flipping cold out, too!  When I got home I hopped in the bath to thaw out my bum and legs!

Now for new business….which is also still sort of old business.  Last May I rode my bicycle on a 40km trail ride for charity.  Since Ray was hurt at the time I rode it by myself (with 150 other people).  Around the third kilometer I took a wrong turn (don’t even ask!), went 2km out of my way and had to turn around and go back.  Not being one to enjoy being dead last, I put feet to pedals and started to make up some ground.  Until kilometer 8.  You see, it was raining the entire time.  I was bent on catching up.  I went over a little wooden bridge.  I hit what I thought was my back brake but was actually my front brake, skidded out on the bridge and crashed, flew over the handlebars and crashed into the side of the bridge.  I ultimately ended up partially dislocating my shoulder and really killing my knee.  However…..being alone on the ride and not one to give up, I finished the next 32 kilometers.  Probably not the smartest thing I’ve ever done.  Upon finishing the ride and getting home, we realized my injuries were a little worse than I thought.  Whatever, I still finished.  The next day my right arm was useless to me and off we went to the chiropractor where he fixed me right up.  Why do I tell you all this?  Because I now have a weak spot in my shoulder which recurs every once in awhile.  Like right now.  I slept wrong and now my shoulder is screwed.  SCREWED.  So that precludes any sort of jogging for about a week or so until either it corrects itself (it could happen!) or until I get to my chiropractor next Saturday.  Look out, spinning!

My knee, Day 1-3 post crash!

Also discussing spinning, it has come to my attention that I have been much too lax with the whole exercise thing.  Since I was leaving my schedule open to be free to jog on sunny days and then the sunny days don’t come often enough, I’ve really been pokin’ the puppy as far as consistent exercise goes and that doesn’t make me feel good physically or mentally.  So tonight I’m sleeping in my gym clothes and getting up for spinning in the morning.  I will also spin Monday and Thursday next week and hopefully on a non spinning day it’ll be nice enough to get out and go for a walk. 

I bought my liquid iron supplement last night, I’m doubling up the dosage for a few days to see if I can start to feel a little better, and I’m going to exercise even though I don’t feel like it…..because a body in motion stays in motion and a body at rest gets lazy and fat if there is not a definitive end to the rest.  That’s my theory, anyway!  😉